

Everybody is terrified of the coronovirus. Now they are even saying that the coronavirus will lead to a spike in the divorce rates. Can you believe it? On top of that, a lot of famous people are getting it, from Tom Hanks to Edris Elba, to Britain's Prince Charles. Go here to check out a coronavirus vocabulary list.

As a small business owner, you must be worried about your future and the future of your enterprise. First of all, you have been forced to close your doors for the indefinite future and in some cases lay off employees who have been ordered to remain at home by the state and federal government. Even if your employees are still coming to work (for example they are considered essential workers) you are still very stressed, no doubt because after all, they could fall ill at any moment because of this coronavirus. It is a truckload of problems and worries with this virus because if they fall ill, what can you do?

But in the end, is there any silver lining for small businesses? Are there any valuable lessons you have learned from all of this as a small business owner?


For one thing, I sure hope you had insurance in place to cover yourself in the event you were unable to open up your doors (like with this situation with the Coronavirus) and if you did not, this is a good lesson that you need that - Insurance. And other CYAs too. I think also just seeing how easily everything can just be wiped out, in a second, like the wind, will be a lesson in terms of prioritizing, planning, forecasting and strategizing. Do you agree?

The Coronavirus probably also revealed your true identity: fighter or flighter. For many, the first instinct was to run away and hide. For others, the first instinct is to walk right up to the brink and defy gravity - so to speak. Which one were you?

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