

Small businesses could always benefit from good publicity in these days, but most small business never get in the press unless something bad happens. Although, as the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity. A truly skilled business owner should be able to turn any publicity into a positive.

How can a small business act proactively to drum up good press about itself? Well, PR campaigns are expensive and small business are unlikely to have the money to burn on this. But one idea is to start online. I don't know if this works because I have not personally obtained any publicity by doing it. But I was told that starting a blog is a good way to get the attention of the press. Hence, this blog, LOL.

Otherwise? Try writing relevant articles, sending out press releases, commenting on other people's blogs, getting people to spread word of mouth information about your company, and of course, the old fashioned, getting on to radio or tv shows. I have no personal idea how to do the latter two things. You have to get to know journalists and befriend them. How? Don't look at me. But there's got to be a book at Borders that tells you how. I am sure with the right networking, you may be able to get something started.

All you need is a spark. Then the rest is up to the spin.