

What is this? Ask Peter Levenda, author of The Mao of Business. According to him, small businesses can learn a lot from China and Chinese business men who follow Mao Ze Dong's philosophies.

Mao Ze Dong was a guerilla leader in China who lead the Chinese people through the Chinese Revolution using guerilla warfare tactics such as:

1) Start in the villages before you go on to the cities. In other words, take problems in small chunks and after you master these little nuggets, then you can move on to bigger bites of the Snicker's Bar.

2)"Stay closer to the local environment." That is to say "focus on strengthening the home base." And value connections you have to those you are trying to convince of your project, services, business and ideas. Begin with the tribe you know, then expand your points of reference as you gain strength, experience and influence. That way you "avoid the pitfall of remaining an irregular/foreigner/outsider in a land that highly values insider connections." (This is called guanxi in Chinese culture.)

And there are a few more theories advocated by the author:

3)Be open-minded

4)Ask for advice when you need it.

5)Remember that people and not things are decisive.

6)Be respectful of the differences in others.

7)Treat equally situated people equally; try not to create a triage without good reason.

8) Set smaller attainable goals (don't try to be in too many markets too soon.)

9)Be courageous, and resourceful; and practice clear pragmatic thinking

10)Avoid ego, making stupid mistakes and believing your own propaganda

11) always think: hit and run when marketing your ideas

12) live off the land (don't waste or be greedy)

13)Have movable headquarters (be flexible)