

Donald Trump likes to think of himself as the comeback kid. So does Bill Clinton. For that matter, so does Microsoft, IBM and even the GAP.

What is a comeback? Well, in the context of a small business, a comeback is when a small business that was left for dead, is able to reinvent itself, makeover its image, and through innovation, risk, focus and patience able to work its way back into the good graces of its customers and clients, and restore its image and reputation to the public.

Not every business can make a comeback after reaching the precipice. Donald Trump is a business onto himself and he will tell you that when things get really bad, and when he gets really low, he never loses faith that somehow he can pull through it. He is a born optimist, probably. He sees the glass half full. And when there is a shit storm of things going wrong around him, he looks beyond the storm (rather than get caught up in it) to find a solution to whatever is ailing his business. Like right now. Even his gambling outfits are in trouble. His building in Chicago is in the red the last I heard. But I am not worried about the Donald. I look to him for inspiration, and for pulling the cat out of the bag. He's inventive. He's going to come up with something.

How does a small business get beyond, say, this economic train wreck? By being futuristic in its thinking. By acting as if it is Donald Trump. And by never losing focus of the vision for the company. No matter how bad it gets, just know you can always make a comeback. And keep active. Stay busy. Do not stop to even think about this mess. Look beyond it because it, too, shall pass.