

It is all about the build up, and sustaining rhythm. As a small business owner, you have to build your company up from nothing, in a sytematic, logical way. As the visionary for your firm, you have got to get a certain rhythm going that leads to the ultimate fulfillment of your vision for your company.

Stop go, hot cold approaches don't seem to work as well as really sitting down from the get go and drawing the blue prints, creating the architecture for your vision, and then going out and taking steps and action that compliment that vision and those goals so that you can construct the building.

Momentum is about the rate of action, speed, motion, force, proportion, mass, rhythm and change of a person or object. So as a small business owner, its about how you do what you do to make your business work, to achieve that breakthrough, no matter how brutal the process and path. It is almost always a mistake to start off too fast, or too big. A gradual build up is best. Then crescendo, then plateau, then build up's almost like surfing, riding the wave. It is the thrill of the thing.

"Sustainable transformation follow a predictable pattern of build up and breakthrough. Like pushing on a giant heavy wheel, it takes a lot of effort to get the thing moving at all, but with persistent pushing in a consistent direction over a long period of time, teh wheel builds momentum eventually hitting a point of breakthrough."
-Unknown source