

So you’ve got your small business and the one thing you know for sure is that “failure is not an option.” That’s nice. But saying it and doing it are two different things. In the Ten Commandments of Business Failure, Donald R. Keough, former President of the Coca Cola Company, writes that “inflexibility is a terrible disease.”

Some small business owners have a rigid, set in stone vision of what they want to do and how they are going to get it done. Confidence is good and you almost can’t have too much of it. But hubris has a negative connotation. It is important to be confident but not so certain that you are right about everything, that you can’t listen to other ideas, explore other options, or change. Just because something is the status quo does not mean it’s the best and only way. Small business owners have to think outside the box. Otherwise, they may find themselves out of business when innovation and competition and new trends steals their show.